Schlagwort-Archive: Economy

In search of the right rhythm

The word rhythm is derived from the Greek rhythmós, “measure of time, and beat” and describes a temporal division into equal or variable activities occurring from time to time. Rhythmic fluctuations of measured variables are used to assess the condition of all kinds of systems, like the fever curve of the human organism, the electrical impulses of the brain, the heart rhythm and even the number of sick leaves, the frequency of work absences or the local accumulations of crimes. There is the hope that early detection and correct interpretation of these fluctuations will enable reliable predictions about the near future. In business life, one can observe how the pendulum swings back and forth between centralization and decentralization. Culture is driven by ever new, but also frequently recurring trends. As there are many areas that interact with each other, there are a lot of parameters that oscillate in the areas. In this context, the search for the right rhythm becomes a complex question.

Since many oscillations take place at the same time, we hope to find simple and synchronized rhythms. But maybe we are just learning that the synchronized pace of the impulses is an expression of unhealthy solidification and lack of energy. A good example is traffic, which is becoming increasingly congested due to more and more drivers behaving in the same way. The solution can be found in the systemic approach. Let’s be aware of a few areas with periodic fluctuations.

  • Rhythms of nature
    In nature, everything follows recurring changes without exception. This applies to the becoming and passing of a life and extends to the oscillating movements within the individual steps of a lifecycle. Thus, biological cells divide at fixed intervals and renew that way their structure until it finally fades away. By the pulse, the breathing rate or electric activity of the brain, we can recognize the health state of living beings – uniformity is an indication of trouble. In the environment, the tides or El Niño are changes that keep Gaia going through the seasons – extreme swings lead to droughts or heavy rainfall. The earth rotates once a day around its own axis and needs a year around the sun – due to the angle of inclination of the axes of the world these cycles lead to the seasons and together with the moon to the tides. What we rarely become aware of is the fact that the changes in the countless building blocks of nature follow vibrations, which are difficult to detect.
    Since all components follow their own number of cycles, we only notice overlapping deflections. That is why we are constantly looking for natural patterns that show us a direction in our activities – similar to the fluctuations that have been recognized over a long period of time and packed into proverbial rules – e.g. April showers bring May flowers; Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning.
  • Rhythm of culture
    Our lifestyles consist of our identities and beliefs, languages and actions, stories and experiences. They appear in the visible behaviors, rituals, stories and things. The underlying values and basic assumptions can only be derived indirectly. Cultural aspects also have their own cycle: the zeitgeist follows changing conditions in science and popular art; the mass media have their publication rhythms; sporting events have seasons.
    The rhythm is driven by the alternation of generations, which makes everything different and, after a few changes, reuses something old – when the young rediscover vinyl and shellac; when, despite all the digitalization, the book format survives with old printing techniques and haptic attractive books. These trends are triggered by disturbances that emerge out of nowhere, pass the tipping point and become a cultural wave.
  • Rhythm of the economy
    The economy not only generates but also drives the general ups and downs of markets and businesses. The economic complexity results from accelerating changes in technology, creating faster new goods and services, and more capable types of customers, who move swifter than the companies. Let us think of the Kondratiev cycles, whose long waves are characterized by certain machines and objects and describe every sixty years a new paradigm that shake existing business models – the age of the steam engine and cotton (approx. 1771), the age of the railway and steel (approx.1829), the age of electricity and chemistry (approx.1875), the age of oil, cars and mass production (approx.1908), and the age of information and telecommunications (approx.1971). The digital transformation is for the time being the culmination of the current wave that is leading to massive job losses for simple tasks.
    The rhythm of the economy is the result of countless variations in management styles, collaboration models, manufacturing and software technologies – in other words, the waves are hidden in a broad band of white noise. This explains the continuous attempts to process more and more data (Big Data), in order to filter out the patterns, which would allow better prediction of the markets. The advantage lies in the opportunity of taking into account comprehensive data sets. The disadvantage lies in the evaluation models, which, despite the huge computer power, set the framework for the results. We should not forget that old approaches, like tossing a coin or looking into the crystal ball, already have a 50/50 chance.
  • Rhythm of personal expressions
    Even we experience such waves. We present, for example, in a lecture our messages with the help of our posture, gestures, facial expressions and intonation. The way one is posing and uses the space during the lecture, the usage of arms and hands, the volatile facial expressions and the volume, height and emphasis of the spoken words create additional expressions besides the content statements and together result in a positive or negative evaluation. If the expression lacks rhythm, i.e. if you stand motionlessly in the same place and rattle off passionlessly, you lose the attention of the audience and do not achieve the desired effect.
    It is possible to improve your own presentation style through practice and conscious control of the expression. Then you manage to create the different rhythms, and thus strengthen your own message. This creates acceptance, especially, if you keep the audience swinging along.

These examples are a simple collection of aspects that are in oscillation, up and down, and that we want to understand and predict. It is important to realize that no matter where you look, the wave movements of each aspect happen completely detached from one another. However, the more different the individual rhythms are, the healthier seems to be the whole. Tightly organized groups are losing their agility through rigid chains of command – like in Fukushima, in the former Eastern Bloc states and soon in the U.S. The attempt to bring everything in lockstep is rather counterproductive, because all examples show that only the ‘chaotic’ oscillation of the elements creates a viable system.

Bottom line: One sees in nature, culture, economy and even in personal expression that waves are overlapping. This means that traditional organizational structures of the industrial age, which were designed to synchronize all functions, are no longer adequate. Agility requires openness, commitment, dedication and the corresponding Y-image of people. The right rhythm is therefore not ONE uniform vibration of the components, but the living, unpredictable hodgepodge of countless oscillations.

Actually, the house always wins

Compulsive players are not discouraged from playing by the sentence “The house always wins”. They are addicted to the anticipation of a gain and accept the risk of losing. In the beginning the bet is only occasional and generates good feelings. Then, the obsession starts and more and more often one loses larger sums. The whole thing culminates in complete despair and hopelessness.
The same happens with stock exchange transactions and other investment opportunities. The game with larger amounts of money triggers the limbic intoxication of a gambler. However, safety nets are currently under construction to cushion these players by allowing them to claim their losses – either through the legal code or through the new court of arbitration that operate outside the national jurisdiction. This allows the players to recover their losses through legal action. By the way – of course, the house wins here too.

In the end, this is a systemic mistake. The risk of the transactions is transferred to the society and the profits remain with the players. What are the interests that heat up the financial transactions and give the participants their fruitful source of income?

  • Companies need capital
    Companies need in advance capital to finance their business, for example to pay
    the personnel and material costs required to develop and prepare products and services.
    In the event of failure, companies go bankrupt or rebrand and leave collateral damage to the society – like environmental damage, unemployment and asset losses.
  • Investors are looking for profits
    The wealthy have more money than they can spend. In order to counteract a loss of value such as above or inflation, they sedulously look for ways to let the money work.
    Investors privatize their profits regardless of collateral damage and socialize their losses to the society.
  • The state is looking for investors
    In principle, it is up to the state to ensure that the population lacks nothing. For this reason, politicians make attractive offers to investors, when they invest in their country – tax advantages and business-friendly laws. And if a business fails, politicians secure the capital invested, borrow money from one bank to relieve another – and vice versa.
    The costs for wrong decisions of the political “economic leaders”, who are interested in nothing else than their mandate, are borne by their voters – which actually is strange.
  • Products need consumers
    Due to the advanced automation of established companies and the globalization, more and more cheap products are developed, which urgently need a customer.
    In the end, these short-lived products pollute the environment. All people bear the consequences.
  • The society needs work
    In contrast to the wealthy; the majority of the population is depending on full-time employment in order to pay for their monthly expenses. Job competition is taking place globally. At the same time, simple tasks are competing with machines, which now perform routine tasks more reliably.
    Overall, traditional employment opportunities are disappearing. Society is impoverishing.
  • The economy has a need for turnover
    In order to prosper, the society must consume the products and services of the companies. The loss of traditional work as well as precarious jobs create a consumer class that needs affordable alternatives to mainstream consumption – like repair cafés, barter sites, sharing, pay-per-use.
    Contrary to the previous standpoints, when it was assumed that the tides would move everyone up and down, the gap is widening regardless of the economic situation – the poor are becoming poorer and the rich richer.

Bottom line: Since many optimize themselves and indemnify based on the society, distortions occur, which go above all at the expense of the powerless. Companies rely on external financing and thus shift the risk to the lenders. Investors maximize their profits by investing their capital in risky transactions and by socializing losses. The state (or its decision-makers) foregoes revenue in order to attract investors. The flood of bad products damages the environment at the end of the ever shorter life cycle. The population can no longer make a living from their work and saves itself in social networks. The economy is overheating in the hope of being able to restart in a coming crash. And all financial transactions, no matter in which direction, are processed by the house – that always win.