Schlagwort-Archive: Expat

Do you have to go abroad?

Looking to the future of work, global mobility is often highlighted, besides new technical, social and legal aspects. The actual potentials for Germans cannot be found in the available data *1), because

  • the total number of outward migration between 1991 and 2012 increased only by 20%,
  • 80% of the outward migration consists of foreigners,
  • the outward migration includes also the members of the expats as well as other emigrants, and
  • not all expatriates are included in the statistics.

Based on the available data it is difficult to decide, whether one should agree to work abroad.


The more global an enterprise, the larger is the probability that one should consider the opportunity of an international assignment. You can use the following questions, in order to find out your readiness.

  • What is the status of your career?
    The flatter structures abroad enable a closer cooperation with top managers. Thus, the probability increases that following the assignment your career will accelerate. Which career goals are supported by your foreign assignment? Or does an international mission offer you the opportunity to leave your current role? Are there reasons that could influence your career negatively?
  • How do you deal with culture?
    Within assignments overseas you meet completely new cultures – languages, business manners, and lifestyles. The ability to adjust is an important condition for a stress-free, successful sojourn. Are you interested in other lifestyles and languages? Or do you have trouble with alien cultures?
  • How does the international assignment impact your private environment?
    Although the business environment is changing for the employee, in principle, the daily routines are continuing as usual. For the family members it is more difficult. On the one hand, they are pulled out of their previous everyday life. On the other hand, they have to fight for the new environment. Did you find out the opinion of your partner concerning a foreign assignment? What about your children? How important are friends for you? Or are there private reasons to go, e.g. thirst for adventure, divorce? What are other private arguments against it?
  • Which professional advantages offer an international assignment?
    In your usual context, you have a proven network and you know the procedures. Abroad you have to set up yourself within very short time, so that you can obtain results and to reach your professional goals in the two to five years of the assignment. Do you like new technical tasks? Are you interested in more responsibility? What financial advantage does the assignment has to offer? Which professional disadvantages do you see?
  • Do you expect an improved social status?
    As Expat you receive private amenities that are above the standards of the homeland – apartment, car, insurances. Additionally, foreigners have in the countries of destination often a special, social status. Which aspects have to be fulfilled, in order to accept an international assignment? What speaks against it?
  • Are there other influence factors?
    The individual reasons can go beyond the previous ones. Which aspects have also to be fulfilled, so that you accept to go abroad – privately, professionally? Are there other KO criteria?

It is recommended to note all aspects that speak for and against an international assignment. You should walk through these questions before you get into negotiations with your company, in order to provide a decisive impression – whether you want to go or not. Discuss it with your family and friends. It is particularly helpful to contact colleagues, who are/were already abroad, perhaps even in your destination country.

Bottom line: You do not have to go abroad. Since a foreign assignment is a great decision that has a large impact on you and your family, you should analyze the aspects from all perspectives. There are companies that offer the possibility to visit the country in advance. For some people it is helpful in order to make the decision. For others these short impressions are not sufficient to make the decision about a long-term engagement. In any case, it is important that the entire family is committed. Otherwise, during your stay, you will have additional problems that will be hard to solve.

*1) I couldn’t find statistics of German enterprises that show the actual situation. Indications can only be derived from the statistic yearbook of the Federal Statistical Office Germany (only in German) .