
I can't resist showing an example of OpenAI’s ChatGPT current capabilities. The readers can decide for themselves how good or
Artificial Intelligence writes about Artificial Intelligence
After one-hundred months of weekly blogging, I'm getting out of this routine. In 2013, I started with fifteen categories (see
Out of the routine
On the tenth of April 1912, the Titanic started from Southhampton on its long-distance maiden voyage to New York. At
An ongoing crisis becomes normality
The pandemic has mainly set the ossified procedures of white-collar workers in motion. For a long time, there have been
Various decision-makers always generate compromises
Corona has made the public aware of the economy's dependence on uninterrupted supply chains. In the current state of globalization,
The looming end of independent logistics partners
Today's share of public relations in goods and services is growing steadily. In the past, the results have been the
As if a car only consisted of the body
In the beginning, was the difference! To before - whatever that was. Since then, becoming been happening. At every moment,
(Un)truth with and without
There are moments when we have the impression that we are not living in the same world. When we enter
Customers are everything - without them, everything is nothing
Riding an information wave, the question arises as to what is actually valid. Since the beginning, IT has struggled with
When correct results are wrong
Looking at issues is a form of reflection. We become aware of triggers, flows, dependencies and effects. While a measure
The right moment
Our body is a good image for a company. A body is not a messy heap of cells but a
When targets get tangled
When decisions are made, in the slipstream swirl known and unknown consequences into advantages and disadvantages. Any measures that grant
The costs of the unconsidered
We are stuck in the dilemma of being exposed to an increasing flood of data at shorter and shorter intervals.
The energetic sense(ly) image
In the dark ages, people talked to each other and thereby exchanged their thoughts. The listeners passed on what they
Thoughts are free
Boundaries circle around areas with natural or man-made barriers such as rivers, mountains, turnpikes, fences, or walls. In addition, abstract
The effect of a boundary
In the Anglo-American world, venturesome investors endow start-ups. These founders develop their preparatory building blocks as good as it gets:
Public Relations follows the finalized product
Established companies can afford employees who take care of PR. A Start-up consists of a small team that has to
Home-made failure
Aristotle already had in his metaphysics, more than two thousand years ago, the right intuition – The whole is more
Building blocks of a value-adding whole
As soon as the unimaginable happens, the boundaries shift. Who would have thought that the well-worn delivery routes would come
Preparing D-Day’s
In the 1940s, Thomas J. Watson predicted that the world needed no more than five computers. In 1969, there were
Wrong configuration
People tell a story about Pablo Picasso from his time in Paris. When he was dining in a restaurant, a
The creative added value
The larger an organization, the more it is built upon the division of labor. Tasks are distributed not only horizontally
More attention on the personal contribution
Any system that exists over a long time results in effects that are not intended. It appears in the democracy
Repeatedly spoilt for choice
All presenters have the same hurdle to overcome. The first eight seconds are the key to further attention. At the
The effective first eight seconds
Every day we choose our preferred alternatives out of the flood of possibilities. It starts when we wake up and
Election Grab Bag
Latest at election time, politicians move into the spotlight. Now parties introduce themselves to the voters with their agendas and
The eye also votes
In Germany, around 2.23 million solo self-employed people work without dependent employees. They take care of all biz components and
You are what you is
Incredibly, we make 20,000 decisions a day. With sixteen hours that we spend every day awake, these are about 20
Decision-making reloaded
Just as things go wrong on a large scale, for example, the Berlin Airport or the Elbe Philharmonic Hall, every
One-sided reasoning
If difficulties arise, at first glance, it is due to other people. Why? It is easier to look for mistakes
The act belongs to the individual
The chances of the Internet make everyone a possible vendor of products and services. It leads to confusing offers and
The blind spot of sales promotion
A few people will find a book in their bookcase that they cannot decipher. As long as one does not
Volatile meaning
Good relations between the members of a working group are the basis for the interaction of the participants. Unfortunately, trust
Pseudo interest - long-term relationship killer
Once you have caught the clientele's attention so that you can develop their interest in your offerings in order that
The step to the Customer Journey
Not all superiors want to take responsibility but rather earn more. In the absence of expert development paths, they have
Leading in this or in a different way
Before we start denigrating those who have demonstrated the most consistency over the past 2500 years, let's take an unbiased
Learning from the elders
The life cycle of different companies follows similar patterns: R&D, Procurement, Production, Sales, After Sales, and Cross Functions. Differences arise
Putting action into words
The words "I would have ..." turn responsible managers into wouldhavers. These people have in hindsight the aptness of knowing
Life also does not necessarily punish those, who come too late
We try to use factual language nowadays. However, there is even in such profane things as a glass containing 250
Overthrower throw over
The authors of the first chapter of the Bible described God's command to mankind in Genesis 1:28: Be fruitful and
Lateral thinking revisited